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Look at these pretty roses spotted on my run last week. I wasn’t always someone who looked to running to relieve stress. It took years for me to train slowly to the point where now I can go out and enjoy running and come back energized do it again in about every other day. It was all great until, BAM! I was out running my routine run, and suddenly hives! Allergic reaction! Swollen face! Getting worse! Call the ambulance! Go to the ER!
I run with my epipen now, strapped on my lower back on a runners belt because no one has any clue WTF happened or what caused it. The epipen is a reminder that I can’t control it all, which oddly enough was a wake up call for other aspects I’ve been holding out for more data/info/confidence. I can’t hide or hold forever. So at the very least I can say I’m thankful that anaphylaxis can lead to something good, even if it’s just a state of mind.