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La Tourista

Have you ever heard of "It's better late than never?" Well apply it to this. I just got around to my photos from Prague, but that's not stopping me from posting because I'd argue it's still summer, and photos of me are pretty rare these days — although I may ramp that up again...meh, who knows because I've been doing this for a decade and can they still be fresh? We shall see.

Anyway, this is the first day we arrived in Prague, which has been a city I've wanted to visit forever. It was supposed to be cold when we got there but as you can tell there was definitely a heat wave going on. It was absolutely perfect outside. We were spoiled with the busiest city in the Czech Republic with summer high season weather without the annoying drunk crowds. Prague is one of those magical cities that cater to tourists, unlike Venice or Amsterdam, which are authentically historical and still functioning city centers. Prague was gorgeous but it's got New Orleans vibes (drinking in streets is legal) since you'll get a couple frat types from around the world (including the U.S.) that can't handle their liquor in public. 

By this time it was well into the first week of our multi-city European adventure and I overpacked like an idiot and I was a little tired. So I mostly wore this outfit in Prague, which doesn't bother me in the least because it felt simple, dare I say a bit stylish, and most importantly, like me. By this time in my trip I was ready to ditch the dozen other items I squirreled away in my suitcase the night before our flight to Europe and wish I carried a damn backpack with just three things.

Hindsight, people. It's always 20-freaking-20.

The Row top, Levi's stretchy jeans, Viscata espadrilles (courtesy of Viscata), Céline sunglasses, BOYY Karl 24mm bag