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Hospital smock or Dress?

When you wear a ruffled yet oversized Atlantique Ascoli dress that is so shapeless and plain that it looks kind of like a hospital smock, you kind of have to continue with the crazy theme by wearing shoes outside that seem to be made for the indoors only. 

I just got back from Houston, the land of Beyoncé, shooting some stuff for HP. It was a pretty grueling shoot schedule, hence the radio silence here. But then at the airport on the way back to San Francisco I got a phone call that changed stuff up in my life — it's a pretty exciting development! 

I'll be off celebrating this development, but in the meantime enjoy these photos I managed to edit while my mom was on the phone with my blabbermouth brother (sorry twin, you talk to much! jk I love you!).


Atlantique Ascoli dress (purchased on sale years ago, thinking of making it a top)
Gucci Princetown loafers (yes, I know, I'm a stupid idiot who fell prey to Pinterest round ups oft his style, the sky is blue, etc, more on this later)